Hello Dear Soul,
My name is Lauren Cloud.
I am a wife and mother navigating the confusing world of toxic mold illness.
Since 2019, I have been trying to heal my family and myself from mold exposure.
When we discovered there was mold in our home [due to builder negligence] and that the mold was the underlying cause of the many health issues we were experiencing, we got the heck out of dodge.
To this day, we are still searching for a healthy home.
You can read more about our story HERE.

I want you to know something. I am not a mold expert. (My background and expertise is in art and graphic design.) There are a ton of mold experts out there and people claiming to be experts. That is not me.
I am just like YOU.
I didn’t want this. I didn’t ask for this. I took care of my home. But it happened to me anyway. And I’m trying to make the best of it.
But my life will NEVER be the same.
I have sure learned a HELL of a lot since we first discovered that mold was the cause of my family’s health issues.
But the one thing that I truly know, is that I know NOTHING. Cause in this incredibly complicated world of MOLD, everything is constantly changing. And only one thing remains constant…that mold is at the root of all of it.
So my plan with this site is to help parents manage their families while navigating the complicated and political world of toxic mold exposure and illness.
Cause it just PLAIN SUCKS.
It’s hard to live a normal life, and be around people that aren’t going through this, when YOU are going through this. And I get this.
And people that havn’t been through it, well…they just don’t get it.
So I hope to be that breath of fresh air for you and that shoulder to lean on. To help you through your journey by sharing mine. And just to be that person out there for you that “gets it.”
If you are already on your “mold journey” and have found your way here, I hope that I can make things a lil bit easier for you. Mold illness can be incredibly confusing, and even very isolating, because people don’t understand it. I hope I can be the friend to you, that I wish I had when this all came crashing down on my family.
We are in this together…one step at a time.