Our home tried to kill us.
And now we are fighting back by educating families on the dangers of TOXIC MOLD and improperly built homes.
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“If you or your children are constantly sick and have strange and debilitating symptoms, ALWAYS rule out your environment first.”
– Lauren Cloud
Latest from the Blog
Join us on our journey back to health, as our family simplifies and makes MAJOR lifestyle changes in pursuit of healing, getting our health & vitality back, and surviving a toxic world.
Could mold be making you sick? Interview with Shemane Nugent
Check out my interview with healthy living ambassador, Shemane Nugent, and Emily Rachal of Texas Mold Inspectors. Shemane Nugent, wife of rock star Ted Nugent, got incredibly sick from hidden mold in their home – the same home that was shared on MTV Cribs. In this interview, Emily and I give a quick overview of …
The Caregiver Burden: The Life of a PANS/PANDAS Parent
Insert subheading here for this post that is a blurb of what the entire blog post is about and can help the reader with
I wasn’t crazy, it was symptoms of PANS/PANDAS
Symptoms of PANS/PANDAS can be easily dismissed or misdiagnosed by doctors, pediatricians and family members. When I pleaded with doctors to listen to my concerns, I was not taken seriously. Little did I know, that all the problems that my daughter was having were due to a serious condition called pans / pandas. This is …